Feeling the effects of the Full Moon in Aquarius? This diffuser blend is here to guide you in sharing your authentic self with ease!

Is anyone else still feeling the full moon energy from yesterday? Leo season has inspired and pushed us to embrace our creative selves. Now the full moon in Aquarius has moved in to announce that it is time to share your creations with the world!
The full moon’s energy supports us in the process of releasing. This can be releasing our creations into the world, as well as releasing the patterns/beliefs that are holding us back from sharing our fabulous authentic selves. This is the blend I have been diffusing to support this powerful energetic shift.
Why these specific oils?
Laurel Leaf - When I think of laurel I imagine the laurel crowns that were bestowed on the Olympic winners. This is the oil of victory! When feeling nervous about sharing a project, this oil will be your ultimate cheerleader, quieting fears and anxiety.
Jasmine - This beautiful oil supports you in feeling empowered, allowing you to confidently share your visions with others. It reminds us that true confidence which inspires others is led from the heart rather than the ego.
Wild Orange - The full moon energy is dredging up some heavy stuff! Wild Orange moves in to uplift the spirit and allow us to release these patterns with joy and gratitude.
Marjoram - The small self may begin telling you not to let go of these patterns - ‘they’ve gotten us this far!” Now is the time to lean on Marjoram’s strength to give us space to truly surrender. It hushes the inner critic so you can relax while you begin forging the path to a new way of being.